lördag 16 februari 2013

Tokyo: Day 6

After a long nights sleep I was genki again (genki = healthy; stamina; spirit; courage) and went to Yoshinoya for lunch. It is a place where you buy a bowl of rice with meat on top of it, very delicious. It becomes even more delicious, in my opinion, if you add red pickled ginger, like a lot. I mean like a mountain damn it. I love that ginger! In Japanese, its called benishouga. Remember that kids.

Gyudon with a mountain of benishouga
I also decided to do something fun that evening, so I hooked up with a Japanese friend who lives in Tokyo, Jun, and he took me to Kanda and a restaurant that have nomihoudai (drink all you want for a fixed time for a fixed price) but instead of the cheaper Japanese beers, this was with Belgian beer!

The place was a bit fancy, and on weekdays it's usually packed with people due to the high percentage of salarymen in the area, but because it was Saturday it was not that crowded. Amazingly, it was also no smoking, thanks for that.

We chose the 4000 yen alternative with seven kinds of beer and started drinking from the top down. The beers was like 1200 yen each, so we reckoned if we drank more than five or six, we would make a huge profit! They also had a great variety of food, and we ordered quite a bit. Very tasty indeed (oh yes, incoming food porn. Brace yourselves!).
Salad with smoked salmon
Oh yes, this is a 36 month cured ham from Spain, and the most exclusive one. I present to you the jamón ibérico de bellota! Bellota = acorn, and the name originates from that the pigs only eat acorns during the last period.
This was the chefs choice this week, a hamburger in tomato curry. Really tasty as well
One of the beers. It was a cherry one, so it was average
Venison stew. This. was. AWESOME! Just look at that tasty bone. Doesn't that make you wanna dig in and eat like a pre-historical caveman, ripping the meat from the bone with your teeth?
It sure made me want to do it
A map of Belgium was plastered on the wall as well. 
After that place we went to Shinjuku and アルプス (Alps, do you remember?) because it has become my favourite place so I want to go there like, a lot. When I was there during the new years holiday, we went there three days straight, and the waitress commented "are you here today as well?" so I thought she would remember me, but she didn't. So sad.

We had a variety of snacks there as well, and a lot of beer. I was really surprised that Jun could keep up with my pace. He was a bit more drunk than me, but hey, we had like eight beers at the restaurant in Kanda, and probably five or six at アルプス (do you remember the translation?).

Gyoza (dumplings)
I think this was some kind of fries with cheese
And it's not food porn in Japanese style unless you "open the food" and hold ut up in front of the camera. mmm, cheese
It was getting late and he decided to stay at the capsule hotel as well, so we had a good soak before bed.

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